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6 Tips for Young, Glowing Skin this Summer

6 Astuces pour une Peau Jeune et Éclatante cet Été

Summer is the season of vacations, sunny days and spending time outdoors. However, these summer pleasures can sometimes be rough on your skin. Here are our tips for keeping skin young, glowing and healthy all summer long, while preventing wrinkles and maintaining a fresh, youthful appearance...

1. Protect yourself from the sun ☀️

Sun protection is essential to prevent premature aging of the skin. UV rays can cause significant damage, including wrinkles, dark spots and loss of firmness. Use sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher every day, even on cloudy days. Remember to reapply every two hours and after swimming or sweating.

Anecdote :

Marie, one of our loyal customers, told us how she neglected sunscreen during a typical day at work. Result ? A painful sunburn and wrinkles appeared a few weeks later. Since then, she has never taken off her sunscreen!

2. Hydrate yourself enough 💧

Drinking water is crucial to maintaining hydrated and glowing skin. Good hydration helps keep skin supple and prevent wrinkles. In summer, your body loses more water due to the heat, so it is important to drink at least 8 glasses of water per day. Water-rich fruits and vegetables, like cucumber and watermelon, can also help keep your skin hydrated.

Do :

A study published in the journal "Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology" showed that drinking enough water visibly improves skin hydration and texture, helping to reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

3. Use cutting-edge technologies to soothe and protect your skin 🥇

After a day in the sun, red light and radio frequency can help calm redness and repair skin damage. Blue light therapy can prevent heat-related rashes. It's a real hack for complete and effective at-home skincare, specially designed for summer challenges.

Our SkinRevive Pro device is a true ally in maintaining youthful, radiant skin while helping to protect and soothe it.

Facts : 

  • Radiofrequency: Radiofrequency stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, helping to firm the skin and reduce wrinkles. After a day in the sun, it can also help repair skin damage and restore skin elasticity.
  • Electromuscular stimulation (EMS): EMS tones facial muscles, helping to improve definition and reduce sagging. This helps maintain a sculpted and lifted face, even after prolonged sun exposure which can cause sagging skin.
  • Light therapy: Light therapy uses different wavelengths to target various skin problems:
    • Red Light: Stimulates collagen production, reduces wrinkles and improves blood circulation, helping to repair UV damage and soothe redness.
    • Blue Light: Fights acne-causing bacteria, which can be exacerbated by sweat and oil produced in summer.
    • Orange light: Improves skin radiance, evens skin tone and helps soothe inflammation and irritation caused by sun exposure.
  •  Click here to see all these benefits:

    4. Gently cleanse your skin 🧼

    With heat and sweat, it's important to cleanse your skin regularly to avoid the buildup of dirt and oil that can clog pores and accelerate aging. Use a gentle, sulfate-free cleanser that does not harm your skin. Excessive cleansing can strip the skin's natural oils, making it dry and more susceptible to wrinkles. 

    Find our purifying and toning foam specially designed for mature skin by clicking here:

    Trick :

    Double cleansing, a popular method in South Korea, involves first using a cleansing oil to remove makeup and impurities, followed by a water-based cleanser to purify the skin. This technique helps keep the skin clean and healthy, thereby reducing the risk of wrinkles.


    5. Nourish your skin from the inside 🌱

    Your diet plays a crucial role in the health of your skin. Eat foods rich in vitamins and antioxidants, such as fruits and vegetables, to fight free radicals that cause wrinkles. Foods rich in omega-3, like salmon and walnuts, are also great for the skin because they help maintain elasticity and reduce inflammation.

    Do :

    Research shows that antioxidants can help protect skin from free radical damage, reducing signs of aging. A balanced diet rich in nutrients helps maintain youthful and glowing skin.

    6. Get enough sleep 😴

    Sleep is the time when your body repairs and regenerates itself, including the skin. Lack of sleep can lead to dark circles, dull complexion and premature aging. Aim to get 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep each night to allow your skin to renew itself and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

    Do :

    A study from the University of Manchester found that lack of sleep can impair the skin's barrier function, making it more susceptible to environmental stress and wrinkles. Good sleep is essential for youthful, glowing skin.


    Your skin deserves the best care, especially during the summer months. By incorporating these tips into your daily routine, you can enjoy the sun while keeping your skin beautiful, young and healthy. To benefit from the best anti-aging products, visit our LumiBe website .



    Harvard Health Publishing - Hydration and Skin Health
    Source : Harvard Health - Hydration and Skin Health
    Description: Article on the effects of hydration on skin health and recommendations for adequate water consumption.

    National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) - Light Therapy
    Source : NCBI - Light Therapy
    Description: Review of scientific studies on the effects of light therapy on the skin.

    Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology - Radiofrequency

    Source : Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology - Radiofrequency
    Description: In-depth study on the use of radiofrequency in aesthetic dermatology.

    American Society for Dermatologic Surgery - Electromuscular Stimulation
    Source : ASDS - Electromuscular Stimulation
    Description: Information on muscle stimulation options for skin revitalization.

    American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) - Protection solaire
    Source : American Academy of Dermatology - Sun Protection
    Description: Complete guide to using sunscreen and the importance of protection against UV rays.

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